What’s going on at Advance Group
What's going on at Advanced Group
October was yet another super busy month for Advance Group. Our team have yet again done a fantastic job throughout – ensuring our clients, current and new, receive the expert service they are used to from Advance!
- We currently have some really exciting projects going on at Advance Group, we’re delighted to announce 9 new business trials have ran throughout the month.
- Directors have held numerous new business meetings, a mixture of face to face (socially distanced of course), some zoom calls and we have also been connecting via Microsoft Teams which is great for screen sharing!
- Advance Group seen a big increase in website traffic and new opportunities thanks to the launch of our brand innovative website. We listened to our customers and are delighted with both the look and feel of the new site and more importantly it’s usability for our customers.
If you haven’t already done so – please check out the site – www.advancetmgroup.co.uk
- Finally, we are thrilled to announce 2 new starters that have joined the Advance team, Charlie Sturgeon & Romany Edge. Their main goal at Advance Group will to be actively involved in generating new leads for our valued customers. We look forward to guiding you both and encourage your growth here at AdvanceGroup. Welcome to the Team!
That’s all for now, please continue to stay safe. Keep your eyes peeled for another update from Advance Group in the coming weeks. Any questions, queries, enquiries – please do get in touch on 0151 357 2166.