Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it finds you, your family and colleagues well.
You may have seen recently the launch of our new website www.advancetmgroup.co.ukand thank you to Ellison Marketing for their outstanding service during this project.
This project has given my business partner Simon and I an opportunity to collaborate on ideas throughout, rekindle the drive and clear vision for the coming years for Advance Group.
One of which I wanted to share with you this morning, which was rolling back the years to April 2016 and revisiting the ‘why’ we created Advance.
It was a simple question to answer….
To be different, to challenge the perceptions of telemarketing and to show that if done in the right way is an essential business development tool
By focusing on the Quality of the end product, creating and working within systems that promote this, by utilising our knowledge of the construction industry & built environment and our expert data analysis.
To deliver amazing return on investment through quantifiable & measurable growth for our client’s.
It’s who we are, welcome to Advance.
We are proud of our achievements during the last 4 years, we fundamentally believe in our business values, in our team and that they provide the best ‘Quality Driven Construction Industry & Built Environment Telemarketing’ there is available, to all Product Manufacturers, Service providers, Installers & Main/Sub Contractors.
So, if you would like to discuss how Advance Group can assist you, your business contact our office for more details.
t: 0151 357 2166
e: mike@advance-tm.co.uk