The importance of a great team

The importance of a great team

Throughout my professional career I have always understood the importance of good team work and the value of the people that make the team. People are fundamental to the success of any organisation. Having always been part of an existing company with a different set of beliefs, it has been difficult to implement this ethos, however obviously important and crucial it appears.

When Simon and I embarked on our adventure over 18 months ago, we knew it wouldn’t be easy and that there would be trials and tribulations along the way. We knew we wanted to create something better – something that put our team at the heart of what we do. Something that amalgamated all our experiences; good, bad, or indifferent, from leadership and past employee’s alike. This was even the case before we had a team. It was a bit of an ongoing joke between Simon and myself, I remember seeing Simon researching the requirements to become ‘Investors in people’ before we had people to invest in! I loved the enthusiasm of the idea even if it was a little premature.

We carry these thoughts into every decision we make, considering the repercussions to the team and how this may affect our business and our long-term strategies. Ultimately, if we don’t have a team then we won’t retain the clients and therefore we no longer have a business! I am sure we can all draw on bad experiences with previous employers or companies. A memory that stands out for me, one I will never forget hearing the words “Mike, everyone is replaceable, ultimately they are all just a bum on a seat”. When I first heard this, I was shocked at how little my employer valued his team, then the realisation hit – that included me too, with all of us having been fundamental to the success and quadrupling his turnover, this left a lasting impression of him with me.

That’s why here at Advance TM Group we believe in treating all our colleagues with;

  • Respect
  • Appreciation
  • Value
  • Empathy
  • Inclusivity
  • Fairness
The first picture my wife bought me for the office was that of a Richard Branson quote – something we have adopted as a mantra;

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients”.

This is so true. At Advance we have very loyal clients, and this is purely down to the equally loyal team we have working with us every single day. The sooner employers realise that great people are hard to come by and are not easily replaceable, the better their business will become.

Moving forward Simon and I will constantly be looking for ways to improve our business for everyone we’re lucky enough to work with, never becoming satisfied or complacent employers – this is what will keep our business growing from strength to strength and hopefully make us a great company to be a part of.

I would like to dedicate this blog to the team of Advance TM Group, well done and thank you.
